Apart, an object of curiosity. Giving new perspectives to surroundings and to oneself, the observer is animated to interact and experiment with unexpected and surprising new visual points of view. Apart is made from only one piece of sheet steel, the lasercuted and folded silhouette already includes mounting points. Puristic, true to the material and with no intention to hide any traces of the production process, this mirror object is well balanced between application related product and iconic piece.
© Series of Images above: U. Grohs & C. Risch
Apart, an object of curiosity. Giving new perspectives to surroundings and to oneself, the observer is animated to interact and experiment with unexpected and surprising new visual points of view. Apart is made from only one piece of sheet steel, the lasercuted and folded silhouette already includes mounting points. Puristic, true to the material and with no intention to hide any traces of the production process, this mirror object is well balanced between application related product and iconic piece.
© Series of Images above: U. Grohs & C. Risch